Sur la vérification des sources, de détournements :

Le livre « Ramtha. La dernière valse des tyrans. La prophétie. Nouvelle version », (2010, ed.Ada, p.25) fait référence à « Les Rothschild : Maîtres financiers des Nations » de John Reeves. Le renvoi est là pour illustrer la théorie de JZK/Ramtha des « hommes gris » en mettant en avant l’attitude « cosmopolite » des Rothschild. Recherche sur l’origine et la déclinaison d’un passage (« under this roof are the heads of the name and family of Rothschild … »), depuis le récit d’un mariage en 1857 à l’intrigue de William Guy Carr dans « Pawns in the game » en 1955, jusqu’à JZK/Ramtha.


THE PRESS, 7 mars 1857, Londres, page 234, 3ème colonne.

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« THE OTAGO WITNESS », 18 juillet 1857, Dunedin, page 7, 4ème colonne.

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« SOCIAL JUSTICE », 12 février 1940.

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« PAWNS IN THE GAME », William Guy Carr. Dans le Chapitre 5 intitulé « The American Revolution »:

In 1816 The United States Congress granted the renewal of the Charter for the Bank of the United States as requested. There are many authorities who state quite frankly that the Members of Congress were bribed, or threatened, into voting for the legislation which put the American people back into financial bondage.
The men who plot and plan to secure economic and political control of the world don’t hesitate to prostitute Love to achieve their ends, any more than they hesitate to order murder committed to rid them of men who stand in their way. In 1857 the marriage of Lenora, daughter of Lionel Rothschild, to her cousin Alfonso of Paris (they believe in keeping things within the family) brought many international personages to London, England, where the ceremony was performed. Benjamin Disraeli, the noted English Statesman, who was made Prime Minister in 1868 and again in 1874, was invited to be present.
Disraeli is reported to have said during his speech on that memorable occasion — “Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild, a name famous in every capital of Europe, and every division of the globe. If you like we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you James, and one for you Lionel. Napoleon will do exactly — and all that I advise him to do; and to Bismarck will be suggested such an intoxicating programme as to make him our abject slave.” History records that Judah P. Benjamin, a Rothschild relative, was appointed as their professional strategist in America. The American Civil War, which split the Union in two, became an accomplished fact. Napoleon III was persuaded by the Bankers to extend his French Empire into Mexico. The British Government was persuaded that the Northern States could be made into a colony again. The Civil War in the United States was an economic war brought about by the International Bankers. By applying economic pressure it was a simple matter to aggravate the economic difficulties the Northern States encountered after the slaves had been given their freedom. Abraham Lincoln admitted “No nation can long endure half free and half slaves.”